BYOND is a mindset formed of three guiding principles: CONNECT, CREATE and COLLABORATE. Each is powerful and highly applicable in its own right. Fused together they create deeply insightful tools that bring work back to life.


When we feel connected to ourselves and others our vision literally widens, enriching us with a broadened, more flexible and encompassing mindset.

The first fundament of BYOND is to CONNECT to authentic creative energy. Through self-inquiry and micro-moments of positive resonance, we train how to first establish then foster a relational field of safety in order to become more flexible. The result? A more attuned and increasingly creative mindset which becomes the path to better social integration and healthier relationships.


Training the brain to be adaptive establishes new neural pathways that support ideation and generate fresh approaches to old challenges.

The second part of BYOND is how to CREATE with others by learning to trust our impulses and follow-through on seemingly irrational, non-linear ideas. Through exercises influenced by Stanford D School, Theory U and human design discipline, we can step beyond our default, rehearsed responses and embrace a spontaneous, adaptive and creative life.


To build upon ideas, first we must recognise them. Enhanced listening and observation skills harvest significantly more ideas.

The third part of BYOND is let go of ingrained, default behaviours and dare to COLLABORATE; making way for truly creative thinking. Inspired by transpersonal and humanistic psychology, to collaborate is to release the ego and step beyond the notion of ‘I’ and into the realm of ‘us’ – communicating more effectively, observing more deeply and truly hearing.


When we feel connected to ourselves and others our vision literally widens, enriching us with a broadened, more flexible and encompassing mindset.

The first fundament of BYOND is to CONNECT to authentic creative energy. Through self-inquiry and micro-moments of positive resonance, we train how to first establish then foster a relational field of safety in order to become more flexible. The result? A more attuned and increasingly creative mindset which becomes the path to better social integration and healthier relationships.


Training the brain to be adaptive establishes new neural pathways that support ideation and generate fresh approaches to old challenges.

The second part of BYOND is how to CREATE with others by learning to trust our impulses and follow-through on seemingly irrational, non-linear ideas. Through exercises influenced by Stanford D School, Theory U and human design discipline, we can step beyond our default, rehearsed responses and embrace a spontaneous, adaptive and creative life.


To build upon ideas, first we must recognise them. Enhanced listening and observation skills harvest significantly more ideas.

The third part of BYOND is let go of ingrained, default behaviours and dare to COLLABORATE; making way for truly creative thinking. Inspired by transpersonal and humanistic psychology, to collaborate is to release the ego and step beyond the notion of ‘I’ and into the realm of ‘us’ – communicating more effectively, observing more deeply and truly hearing.